Walking into the conference room at precisely 12:04 pm, I was greeted with stares and ogling. The stares were those executives who were not happy that I was strolling in late. The ogling was from my co-workers who were surprised to see me in the room. I could imagine what was going on in their minds: Really? That moron is on the team? Did the janitor turn down the invitation, first?
"Nice of you to join us." One of the executives mockingly told me.
"It's nice to join you!" I responded back. I should probably avoid being a wise-ass.
"As I was saying." The executive took a second to pause and look in my direction. I got it. I was late. Move on with it. "This is now the most important thing on your plate for the foreseeable future. This new account is priority A1 - for everyone in this room."
I looked around the room to see how everyone was handling being "selected" to join this team. I was curious to see if anyone else was as pissed off as I was that they had to be put on this important project. It was pretty evident that these specific co-workers were elated to be in the conference room listening to whatever the hell the executive was talking about at the moment.
I was locked into the facial expressions and confident posture each one of my co-workers was putting on display. They were all so proud of this achievement, which left me wondering: Why am I not that happy? I don't know why I even asked myself that question - I knew the answer already. I wasn't as proud because I simply don't care.
"Everyone got it?" My unfortunately realistic train of life was interrupted by the executives final statement. Everyone got what? I couldn't have been the only one who wasn't paying attention. This thought wasn't true. I was the only one who wasn't paying attention, so I had to ask someone what the hell was going on. I turned to a male co-worker, whom I get along with, and asked what just went down.
"He is going to be e-mailing each of us our specific assignments." Much relief.
With the "meeting" ending, I arrived back at my cubicle to see my boss awaiting my return. He didn't waste any time.
"What happened? What did you guys discuss."
"You know..." I didn't even know. "Business stuff."
"Business stuff?" A sigh sputtered out of my boss. "Please tell me were not dozing off in the meeting. Please tell me you were an active participant, who showed up on time, and paid attention throughout the entire meeting. Please tell me that happened."
"What is it that you want? Do you want me to lie to you or not?" Not even Charlie Brown could not have exited my cubicle in a more sullen manner.
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