There is no point of having me come into the office during the Holiday season - let alone ANY Holiday season. If I know a vacation is coming up within a week or so, I completely shut down. My level of productivity, which is hovering at "I-should-do-enough-just-not-to-get-fired" on 95% of the days, falls to "Can-I-get-away-with-napping-today?" when I know I have a day(s) off in the near future.
The Christmas season is by far the best Holiday season. I don't mean that in terms of family gatherings, gift exchanging, and all that crap, but in terms of what it offers the life-hacks of this world. If you don't have a complete dick-head (or vagina-head? I don't know. Whatever you think is the female equivalent should apply here) of boss, chances are you have at least Christmas Eve and Christmas off. Well I do have a dick-head of a boss, but he isn't a complete dick-head - so I've got those two days off!
Knowing that I have two days off in the future is like telling a pyromaniac that there is a set of matches and lighter fluid hidden underneath a stack of leaves. We're going to use this information to feed our cravings! In the pyromaniac's situation, he or she needs to see that stack of leaves burn. In my case, I need to prove to myself that I can go into the Christmas "break" doing as little work as possible.
It's 11:00 in the morning, and I have absolutely no desire to work. I mean, it took an insane amount of effort just to turn my computer on. Even when I turned it on, I didn't want to go the extra mile and see what e-mails were awaiting me. I'm so lazy that I am now at the point where I don't even want to drag my e-mails into the "Deleted Items" folder in Microsoft Outlook.
I have a report due in about an hour. Yeah, there is no chance that is getting done.
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